Для участия в Конгрессе регистрационный взнос не предусмотрен. Публикация бесплатна.

Оргкомитет до 1 апреля 2014 года принимает заявки на участие в Конгрессе с указанием направления. Предполагается издание материалов Конгресса в электронном рецензируемом журнале «Гуманитарный вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана», индексируемом в РИНЦ. Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право отбора материалов для публикации.

Прием заявок продлен до 13 апреля

В рамках подготовки к Конгрессу объявляется конкурс инновационных студенческих проектов в сфере инженерии и архитектуры. Подробнее »

Подготовка и проведение Конгресса осуществляется при финансовой поддержке Фонда «Добрососедство» и информационной поддержке журналов «Инженер», «Высшее образование в России», «Вопросы культурологии» и «Гуманитарный вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана».

Программа Конгресса

Dear Colleagues!

You are invited to take part in the International Congress which will be held at BMSTU in 17-18 of April 2014. The Congress is devoted to the 160th birthday anniversary of Vladimir G. Shukhov, an outstanding Russian engineer, BMSTU graduate, the most demanding Russian engineer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The range of his innovations varies from the creation of exhibition halls, workshops, grain elevators, blast furnaces, floating gates for dry docks, railway bridges, oil production equipment to moving theater stages and many other things.

The Congress is aimed at the integration of the international scientific, academic and engineering community, the development of cross-disciplinary research, which could serve as a basis of international poly-subject research teams and search for new trends in modern science, engineering and engineering education.

The following topics are suggested for the discussion:

  • Architecture under the influence of Vladimir Shukhov: from modernism to present days;
  • Vladimir Shukhov in the history of engineering and architecture;
  • Shuchov’s creative work through the prism of modern reality;
  • Protection of Shukhov’s cultural heritage;
  • Technical Education and Professional culture of engineers: global trends;
  • Dynamics of the engineering elite and the status of engineer in the modern world;
  • Sociocultural sense, values and standards of engineering;
  • Engineering rationality in the system of contemporary scientific knowledge;
  • Applied ethics and responsibility of professional;
  • Past and present of engineering and engineers;
  • Science and Technology of the future.

Application deadline for papers is April 1, 2014. The Organizing Committee supposes to publish materials from their RISC (Russian Index of scientific Citation) indexation. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select material for publication. Requirements for papers see http://hmbul.bmstu.ru/forauth/

The Organizing Committee is open to discuss ideas, proposals, projects and financial supporting.

Congress is carried out with financial support of Dobrososedstvo Fund and information support of magazines “Engineer” ("Inzhener"), “Higher Education in Russia” ("Vysshee obrazovaniye v Rossii"), “Questions of Cultural Studies” ("Voprosy kulturologii") and "The humanitarian messenger of BMSTU” (“Gumanitarniy vestnik MGTU imeni N.E. Baumana”).

Working languages are Russian and English.

E-mail for application, information, suggestions and supporting: shuhov_congress@bmstu.ru

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